NGC 6834
2002/08/14, MvlonHer = 6,85, T=1,5, S=1
Chabottes (05), France, alt.: 1050 m
x 20 : a small fuzzy, obvious spot in shifted (averted) vision, is initially located in a very rich stellar field. A first star, the brightest, is distinguished in the middle of the spot, then two others, then a fourth, in an almost perfect alignment. The nebulous and ovalized spot seems more concentrated on the brilliant star and the one one the west.x 40 : x40, the spot appears slightly granulous.x 89 : the nebulous background disappears, only remains the alignment of the four stars.
Abreviations guide

NGC 6834, 60mm refractor, x20. North is down.
2002/08/14 , MvlonHer = 6,85 , T=1,5, S=1

NGC 6834, 60mm refractor, x40. North is down.
2002/08/14 , MvlonHer = 6,85 , T=1,5, S=1

NGC 6834, 60mm refractor, x89. North is down.
2002/08/14 , MvlonHer = 6,85 , T=1,5, S=1