Espace L60

Astronomy with a 60 mm refractor

... and the Philips ToUCam Pro

Images by Luciano Pignoloni

The telescope, the sun

repaired 60/900 refractor
A 60mm refractor on a equatorial mount, repaired with the pieces of an altazimutal one.
Sun 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro
The Sun. 60/800 R and a mylar filter.
ToUcam Pro webcam (640x480 pixels)
without equatorial guiding.

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution, 22,4 K)

The moon

Moon 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro
The Moon. 60/800 R and a mylar filter.
ToUcam Pro webcam

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution, 33,6 K)

Copernic 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro
Copernic crater. 60/800 R,
Barlow 2x, ToUCam Pro.

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution, 22 K)

Platon and Alps 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro
Platon and the Alps Valley (center).
60/800 R and Barlow 2x. ToUCam Pro.

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution, 36,9 K)

A moon mosaic

First Quarter 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro

The Moon, 2002/08/13, 19h UT. 8 images mosaic, 60/800 R. ToUCam Pro (640x480 pixels) without equatorial guiding.

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution) (203,7 K)

Posidonius 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro
Moon, Posidonius regio.
60/800 R. ToUCam Pro.

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution, 19,9 K)

Cyrille,... and Fracastor 60/800 refractor ToUcam Pro
Cyrille, Catherine, Théophile, Fracastor.
60/800 R and ToUCam Pro.

Click on the image to enlarge it
(full resolution) (21,4 K)

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