Espace L60
Astronomy with a 60 mm refractor
60 mm refractor and CCD
You saw the observing possibilities of a cheap refractor... And now, let's see a 60mm scope in a very expensive surrounding !
For example, with a robust, self-guiding mount and a CCD camera.

Here are two 60mm refractors on an equatorial platform (Takahashi), with a ST6 CCD camera, and a PC computer.
This equipment (Aniane Observatory, France) was used during four missions, in order to take deep-sky images
for a book.
CCD image gallery :
M 33, The Triangulum Galaxy - North is down
60/700 R + ST6 CCD camera
5mn exposure, field 50' x40'
NGC 7293, Helix Nebula - North is down
60/700R + ST6 CCD camera
5mn exposure, field 50' x40 '
M 8, Lagoon Nebula - North is down
60/700 R + ST6 CCD camera
5mn exposure, field 50' x40 '
NGC 7789, open cluster in Cassiopeia
North is down
60/700 R + ST6 CCD camera
5mn exposure, field 50' x40 '