Espace L60
Astronomy with a 60 mm refractor
Webcams : image galleries
Sun gallery
Thierry Guillot, 2002/06/26, 60/710 refractor + ToUCam Pro. Mosaïc of 12 images.
The two pictures above : Thierry Guillot, on July 2002, 60/710 altazimutal refractor
Vincent Cotrez, 2002/07/26, 60mm refractor + vesta pro (normal mode). 4 images mosaïc.
22 images taken with a 60/700 refractor, sun filter, addition, wavelets and unsharp masking
(Iris software).
Full resolution image (46,8 K)
Thierry Guillot, 2004 July 25, 60/710 azimutal refractor.
The entire sun is taken with a CanonIxus400 digital camera (auto set), hand-held behind the Lanthanum 10mm telescope's eyepiece;
the inset (sunspots) is taken with a vestaproNB webcam. Colour enhancing with Photoshop.
Moon gallery
Luciano Pignoloni, 2002/08/17. Images mosaic with a 60/800 refractor.
ToUCam Pro, without guiding.
Webcam ToUCam Pro (640x480 pixels) sans suivi équatorial.
Middle resolution (20,8 K)
Full resolution image
(197,1 K)
Other moon images by Luciano Pignoloni
Planets gallery

Saturn, 2002/07/25 (morning), by Luciano Pignoloni.
ToUCam Pro + 60/800 R. Barlow 2x.
Saturn, 2002/11/22, by Cathy and Sylvain Riballet. Webcam Vesta Pro + Telemator Zeiss (63mm) refractor + barlow. 537 images.
Jupiter, 2002/11/22, by Cathy and Sylvain Riballet. Webcam Vesta Pro + Telemator Zeiss (63mm) refractor + barlow. 300 images.
Venus by day, 2002/07/27, 14h45 UT, by Cathy, Sylvain Riballet and the St-Jean le Blanc astronomy club. Webcam Vesta Pro with the original lens.
Telemator Zeiss 63mm refractor. Barlow 2x and 12mm eyepiece.
Deep Sky gallery

M 42 central region, 2002/12/13, by Cathy and Sylvain Riballet. Webcam Vesta Pro + Telemator Zeiss 63mm refractor.
84 images, 10" exposure each.
Full resolution image (28,1 K)

Veil Nebula, NGC 6992, by Thierry Guillot. Vesta Pro Webcam (grayscale), raw mode and trichromy, Takahashi FS 60/350, gpdx mount:
4x 30 images, 60" exposure each. Softwares : astrosnap, Iris and Photoshop.
Full resolution image (65,7 K)