Espace L60

Astronomy with a 60 mm refractor

Webcams : image galleries

Sun Th Guillot 60/710 refractor
Sun Th Guillot 60/710 refractor
Thierry Guillot, 2002/06/26, 60/710 refractor + ToUCam Pro. Mosaïc of 12 images.
Sun Th Guillot 60/710 refractor
The two pictures above : Thierry Guillot, on July 2002, 60/710 altazimutal refractor
Soleil V Cotrez 60/700 refractor
Vincent Cotrez, 2002/07/26, 60mm refractor + vesta pro (normal mode). 4 images mosaïc. 22 images taken with a 60/700 refractor, sun filter, addition, wavelets and unsharp masking
(Iris software).

Full resolution image (46,8 K)
Sun Th Guillot 60/710 refractor
Thierry Guillot, 2004 July 25, 60/710 azimutal refractor. The entire sun is taken with a CanonIxus400 digital camera (auto set), hand-held behind the Lanthanum 10mm telescope's eyepiece; the inset (sunspots) is taken with a vestaproNB webcam. Colour enhancing with Photoshop.
Moon Th Guillot 60/710 refractor
Thierry Guillot,
4 images mosaïc. 60/710 R + vesta pro (normal mode).

Full resolution image
(24,5 K)
Moon L Pignoloni 60/800 refractor
Luciano Pignoloni, 2002/08/13, 19h UT.
8 images mosaic.
60/800R, ToUCam Pro.

Middle resolution (15,2 K)
Full resolution image
(203,7 K)
Moon Th Doussin 60/900 refractor
Thierry Doussin, 2002/08/15. 9 images mosaic.
60/900R + ToUCam Pro

Full resolution image
(51,8 K)
and settings
Gibbeous moon L Pignoloni 60/800 refractor
Luciano Pignoloni, 2002/08/17. Images mosaic with a 60/800 refractor.
ToUCam Pro, without guiding.
Webcam ToUCam Pro (640x480 pixels) sans suivi équatorial.

Middle resolution (20,8 K)
Full resolution image

(197,1 K)

Other moon images by Luciano Pignoloni


Saturn L Pignoloni 60/800 refractor



Saturn, 2002/07/25 (morning), by Luciano Pignoloni.
ToUCam Pro + 60/800 R. Barlow 2x.
Saturne C et S Riballet Telemator 63mm refractor
Saturn, 2002/11/22, by Cathy and Sylvain Riballet. Webcam Vesta Pro + Telemator Zeiss (63mm) refractor + barlow. 537 images.
Jupiter C et S Riballet Telemator 63mm refractor
Jupiter, 2002/11/22, by Cathy and Sylvain Riballet. Webcam Vesta Pro + Telemator Zeiss (63mm) refractor + barlow. 300 images.
Vénus Riballet et al. Telemator 63mm refractor
Venus by day, 2002/07/27, 14h45 UT, by Cathy, Sylvain Riballet and the St-Jean le Blanc astronomy club. Webcam Vesta Pro with the original lens. Telemator Zeiss 63mm refractor. Barlow 2x and 12mm eyepiece.

M 42 C et S Riballet Telemator 63mm refractor
M 42 central region, 2002/12/13, by Cathy and Sylvain Riballet. Webcam Vesta Pro + Telemator Zeiss 63mm refractor.
84 images, 10" exposure each.

Full resolution image (28,1 K)

Veil nebula Th Guillot Takahashi FS 60/350 refractor
Veil Nebula, NGC 6992, by Thierry Guillot. Vesta Pro Webcam (grayscale), raw mode and trichromy, Takahashi FS 60/350, gpdx mount: 4x 30 images, 60" exposure each. Softwares : astrosnap, Iris and Photoshop.
Full resolution image (65,7 K)